Media and Speaking Engagements

Dr. Murni Wan Mohd Nor-Speaking

Dr Murni Wan Mohd Nor is an engaging speaker and has been invited as a speaker for national and international conferences, lectures, workshops, and sharing sessions. Her clients have included those from within academia, to government Ministries and related agencies such as the Southeast Asia Regional Centre for Counter Terrorism (SEARCCT), the Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations (IDFR) as well as industry players such as META, the International Communities Organisation (ICO), Malaysian-based centrist think tank called the Centre, Architects of Diversity (AOD) and many more. 

She also engages with the grassroots levels through many programs, including those focused on early childhood with education providers such as CIC, schools, NGOs and community organisations such as Small Changes and Nurinnai Bookshop.

She has also been featured on many national television shows and segments such as Astro Awani, RTM and Bernama.

You may engage her as a speaker by contacting her at or drop a message below:

Melisa Idris speaks to Murni Wan Mohd Nor, hate speech researcher & Senior lecturer at Universiti Putra Malaysia about why hate speech is more than just hurt feelings and can bring real harm to communities. Hate speech may be taught but it can be unlearned, including learning to disagree with civility & respect.

Recently Pusat KOMAS released the annual Malaysia Racism report for 2022, following its year of monitoring racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia in Malaysia. Why do these trends of racism persist and how do we break them? On #ConsiderThis we ask our guest about fighting back against the politics of fear and supremacy.

Dr. Murni Wan Mohd Nor speaks to host Nadiah Hanim about the complexities in addressing hate speech, and recommends the way forward which includes an all-of-society approach.
Dr. Murni Wan Mohd Nor speaks to the hosts of the Fresh Brew regarding the significance of Malaysia day, and her views on the essence of what it means to be Malaysian.


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