
New Release: Children's Book on Antiracism and the Prevention of Hate Speech

When Love Heals Hate

This is the story of Afiya, a brave girl who overcomes her initial fears of adapting in her new environment. Her new friends help her to adapt and accept her, just as she is.

But one day, Afiya experiences a problem in school when her friend is bullied for his religious beliefs.

This is a story of LOVE and HOPE because it highlights that hate may ruin lives, but LOVE has the power to heal them.

When Love Heals Hate Book Cover

Academic Articles

THE ONSET OF A PANDEMIC: Impact Assessments and Policy Responses in Malaysia during the Early Months of COVID-19 | United Nations Development Programme

Part 3 of this report is based on a study whereby Dr. Murni was the project leader. Part 3 analyses aspects of social cohesion and community resilience during the initial months of the crisis, when misinformation and confusion were at their highest. The report ends with the presentation of Malaysia’s ‘early-stage crisis’ policy responses and lessons for the
future, based on insights from this critical period of the pandemic.

Academic Article: Realising Accepted UPR Recommendations: Challenges and Realities

The objective of this study is to evaluate Malaysia’s enforcement of freedom of expression regarding the UPR recommendations.  It has identified certain improvements which should be supported and continued, as well as setbacks and restrictions which impede the implementation of fundamental liberties and pose added risks to the democratic rights of all Malaysians.

Tribun Putra article (pg.6) : Protecting Academic Freedom

This article highlights the threats to academic freedom in Malaysia and the importance in protecting it.

Academic article: Perceptions of Reporting on Islamization by Malaysia’s Popular Alternative Media

This paper discusses the representation of Islamization by Malaysia’s popular alternative media via in-depth interviews with experts in related fields. The findings indicate that most informants perceived that media reporting of Islamization is framed negatively. This is aggravated by the media’s usage of strong language, negative generalizations, inappropriate pictures and general lack of sensitivity to racial and religious issues. Implications of these findings are discussed.

Chapter in Springer Book: Radicalisation and Paramilitary Culture: The Case of Wanndy's Telegram Groups in Malaysia

This book  chapter analyses text from the actual Telegram conversations, the chapter outlines how the radicalisation process was carried out in this private, virtual environment, and the crucial role that paramilitary themes played in romanticising jihad and formation of a terrorist’s mind. The findings are outlined in relation to a five-step process towards extremism: trust building, mind formation, consensus building, affirmation of support and actualisation of violence.

Media Articles

The 1975's stunt and the legacy of colonialism

This article analyses the reasons behind the 1975’s intrusion of Malaysian people’s rights and condemnation of their way of life due to an inherited colonialist mindset.

NST news article: Challenges of Human Rights Reforms

This article explains the challenges in implementing human rights reforms in Malaysia–and recommends the way forward.

NST news article: Purpose of Freedom in the Pursuit of Human Rights

This article explains the purpose of freedom, which is an aspect often forgotten in human rights discourse.

NST news article: Avoid unfounded perception & emphasise common values

This article explains the dangers of stereotypical and divisive speech, whilst recommending better ways to forge a common ground in a multicultural society.

News Article: Bahaya Berita Palsu & Kesan Kepada Ucapan Kebencian

This article is written in Malay and is about the negative effects of fake news–and how it precipitates hate speech.

News Feature: Cyber Racism, Hate Speech and Covid-19

This article is about the impact of  cyber racism and hate speech during the height of Covid-19.

Academic Article: Representation of Islamisation by Online Media

This study explores how popular Malaysian news portals represent Islamisation by using content and critical discourse analysis. Findings show that Islamisation tends to be framed negatively, contributing to the fear of Islamisation and restriction of fundamental freedoms.

News Article: Virus Perkauman Era Covid-19

This article is written in Malay and explains the more dangerous threat of the “virus of racism” during Covid-19.

News Article: Mengekang Propaganda & Ucapan Kebencian di Media Sosial

This article is written in Malay and highlights the need to reduce propaganda and hate speech on social media.

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