New Release: Children's Book on Antiracism and the Prevention of Hate Speech
When Love Heals Hate
This is the story of Afiya, a brave girl who overcomes her initial fears of adapting in her new environment. Her new friends help her to adapt and accept her, just as she is.
But one day, Afiya experiences a problem in school when her friend is bullied for his religious beliefs.
This is a story of LOVE and HOPE because it highlights that hate may ruin lives, but LOVE has the power to heal them.

A Word From The Author
Dear reader,
When I was growing up, I had the opportunity to live in different countries. Sadly, I was often treated unfairly because of how I looked and where I came from. I learned that this is a problem that happens to many people, because of what they look like, what they believe in, or where they come from.
I knew it wasn’t right but instead of getting angry, I decided to help make things better! I believe that no matter what religion we follow, it doesn’t allow us to hurt others because of their skin colour, culture, or beliefs. We all have values that we share, such as being fair, being honest, and being respectful.
That is why I wrote a special book for children like you. It is about how we can all be kind to each other, and how that can help make the world a better place. I want to show everyone that we are more alike than we are different, and that we can all be friends!
Remember that we can all make a difference by being kind and showing compassion to others. Let us work together to show that friendship and love and respect for one another can overcome any differences we may have.
With love,
Dr. Murni Wan Mohd Nor
Young people are growing up in an age wrought with tension between people of different backgrounds. Despite calls from various quarters about the importance of inclusivity and diversity, few have made sincere efforts to put rhetoric to practice.
“When Love Heals Hate”, by Dr. Murni Wan Mohd Nor, is a beautifully animated reminder that stands as an echo of the divine wisdom to “know one another and not despise one another.” This critically important book should be required reading for children everywhere.

Dr. Steven Krauss
Expert in Education and Youth Studies, University of Missouri, USA
Short, precise story of how love can overcome hate and unite all.

Datuk Prof. Jayum Jawan
Dept. of Government & Civilizational Studies, Faculty of Human Ecology, UPM & Tan Sri Empiang Jabu Research Chair for Dayak Women Studies
The story is an emotional reminder of the innocence of children, and their ability to see an innate goodness in each other. Racism and biases develop in all of us, and this book is a great way to start conversations about diversity and racism with your children.
It is also a necessary reminder for all us grown-ups, that it is never ok to be mean to someone because they are different.

I love that the characters in the book showed great empathy towards their friend who had a different religion than theirs. Bullying someone due to their religious attire is one of the many examples of religious intolerance that children should know is wrong. The book conveys that message simply yet beautifully.

Sarina Iskandar
When Love Heals Hate is a thoughtful and creatively written and cheerfully illustrated story of diversity, kindness, and friendship. It would serve as a useful reference to start discussions on acceptance and doing what is just especially with children, as the story is relatable and language is simple.

Dr. Fatimah Al-Attas
Coordinator of USIDAR (IIUM,) & Board member, Protect & Save the Children Malaysia (PSC)
‘When Love Heals Hate’ is the book we’ve always needed growing up.
You can feel the kindness exuded through Dr Murni’s words…and Dr Murni did that through such lovely rhymes, perfect for our young readers. I have always admired Dr Murni’s important work in advocating against racism and hate speech, and this children’s book is proof of the positive impact she continues to make for future generations.

Azalia Suhaimi
Poet, Artist & Mental Health Advocate
I loved:
💛 How the story allows for many teachable moments which can be used in classrooms to talk about values and diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI).
💛 The complex lessons that you can find within each section of the story – faith, values and what-to-do-if scenarios…
💛 The Malaysian-ness of the story is apparent yet still usable across multiple country context.

Farihah Fahmy
Global Head of Girls Education, Teach for All
Dr. Murni’s ‘When Love Heals Hate’ comes at the perfect time when we need to shift the foundation of our culture, embody diversity and inclusion for our young ones.
I look forward to the next generation being wholesome and all-embracing because of Dr. Murni’s earnest efforts.

Izzana Salleh
Global President, Project Girls4Girls